airborne troops

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airborne troops

Those ground units whose primary mission is to make assault landings from the air. See also troops.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Memorabilia collected from former Airborne troops, including guns, jeeps and gliders set for display once the attraction is unveiled, were on show at the weekend.
More than 1,000 Egyptian paratroops along with Russian and Belorussian airborne troops took part in the counter-terrorism exercise.
Airborne troops landed at Arnhem, in the Netherlands, to secure bridges, but faced unexpected and stiff resistance.
In September 1944 soldiers from the Staffordshire Regiment formed a large part of the airborne troops landing from gliders intending to capture bridges in Holland.
The Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said that ( on the order of President Vladmir Putin , the whole military command, control bodies of the Central Military District, part of the troops of the Southern and Eastern Military Districts, separate units of the Airborne Troops, long-range and military transport aviation have been placed on alert.
But in wartime it also assembled and flew Spitfires, as well as gliders which carried airborne troops into the heart of enemy-occupied territory.
The noise pierced the still, moonless night at the spot where airborne troops landed in gliders 75 years ago in the first major assault of D-Day.
More than 24,000 American, British and Canadian airborne troops paved the way for the allied infantry and armoured divisions to land on the French coast at 6.30am.
Shortly after midnight on June 6, 24,000 British, American and Canadian airborne troops parachuted in or landed by glider, tasked to secure bridges.
The war games will include around 300,000 Russian soldiers and officers, including 6,000 airborne troops, over 1,000 warplanes, helicopters and drones, about 36,000 armor, and 80 combat and support ships.
His coffin, draped in the separatist region's flag and the flag of the Russian Airborne Troops, a division of Russia's armed forces, was carried out of the theatre to silent applause, footage showed.

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