airborne transmission

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Related to airborne transmission: droplet transmission, contact transmission
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Noun1.airborne transmission - a transmission mechanism in the which the infectious agent is spread as an aerosol and usually enters a person through the respiratory tractairborne transmission - a transmission mechanism in the which the infectious agent is spread as an aerosol and usually enters a person through the respiratory tract
transmission mechanism - any mechanism whereby an infectious agent is spread from a reservoir to a human being
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Measles or rubeola is a virus that may be caught by a susceptible child or adult via airborne transmission. Airborne transmission can mean any of the following:
Those who exhibit the cluster of telltale symptoms of measles, including fever, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough, and rashes, must wear a mask to reduce the airborne transmission of the virus and see a doctor immediately.
There is also airborne transmission, which is the most difficult to manage because it requires control of airflow through special ventilation systems.
His team found that flu patients routinely shed infectious virus into aerosol particles small enough to present a risk for airborne transmission. Neither coughing nor sneezing appeared to contribute significantly to influenza virus shedding.
An outbreak of measles at an international sporting event with airborne transmission in a domed stadium.
Cluster of cases of invasive aspergillosis in a transplant intensive care unit: evidence of person-to-person airborne transmission. Clin Infect Dis.
"Airborne transmission is generally thought to be the main way flu is transmitted in most populations," influenza expert and former director of the Influenza Specialist Group Dr Alan Hampson said.
They created models of how a disease could be spread by rats, airborne transmission and fleas and lice on humans and clothes.
University of Maryland-led study published some new pieces of evidence for the about the airborne transmission. The "study "Infectious virus in the exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community" noted the large quantities of infectious virus researchers found in the exhaled breath from people suffering from flu.
The other area of research was to develop methods to reduce the airborne transmission of disease in the built environment with application to the reduction of hospital acquired infections.
Yuen: Role of ventilation in airborne transmission of infectious agents in the built environment--a multidisciplinary systematic review.

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