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Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture.

ag′ro·nom′ic (ăg′rə-nŏm′ĭk), ag′ro·nom′i·cal adj.
a·gron′o·mist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.agronomical - of or relating to or promoting agronomyagronomical - of or relating to or promoting agronomy
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Agronomical and nutritional composition investigations must be undertaken so as to ascertain its commercial potential.
It's not unforeseeable that we can 3D-print a plant with all the agronomical features we want," Sozzani says.
Njonjo believes the ambitious expansion plan will be aided by his experience managing business in nearly 40 countries in Africa and Grant's hands-on agronomical expertise.
Mr Agriculture did not incur any expenses, as his new partners offered agronomical support for the entire year.
It establishes, among other things, that illy will share its knowhow of the best agronomical practices --through a training program delivered by its University of Coffee technicians and agronomists--and will purchase the coffee lots produced by the former fighters meeting its quality standards.
The addition of the inoculant provides improvement of the agronomical traits and in the vigour expression of the produced seeds.
The dry matter content of fruit and firmness of pulp are important agronomical parameters that affect the proper equilibrium between yield and level of oil quality.
"The signed agreement aims to update the agricultural map dating back to 20 years, by integrating data related to monitoring, agricultural potential and the state of crops and water resources available in real time," said National Agronomical Institute of Tunisia (INAT) Director-General Faycal Ben Jeddi.
Given the importance of research on the use of organomineral fertilization, or alternatively using humic substances, this research was performed with the aim of evaluating doses of NPK formulations in fertilization at sowing that were combined or not combined with humic substances, based on the agronomic characteristics and grain quality for malt, using the BRS Brau and BRS Elis barley cultivars during the agronomical crop years of 2015 and 2016.
The agronomical quality of soils was characterized (1) by the soil agro-groups (A--universally suitable, B--moderately suitable and C--with limited suitability), (2) by quality classes (I-X) and (3) by quality points (1-100), using the instructions elaborated for local pedo-ecological conditions (Astover et al.
Shahjahan Kabir suggested farmers to contact scientists of BRRIs for all information related to cultivation and production of rice, new seed, latest technologies, agronomical management methods and technical assistance.