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Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture.

ag′ro·nom′ic (ăg′rə-nŏm′ĭk), ag′ro·nom′i·cal adj.
a·gron′o·mist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Adj.1.agronomic - of or relating to or promoting agronomyagronomic - of or relating to or promoting agronomy
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Paired with New Holland's fleet management telematics, the combined solution will empower farmers and agribusinesses to consolidate a wide range of agronomic data streams, arising from a range of inputs such as machine, agronomic and third party data - including crop prices and weather information - into a single platform, to facilitate expedited decision making.
Paired with CNH Industrial's agricultural brands' fleet management telematics, the combined solution will empower farmers and agribusinesses to consolidate a wide range of agronomic data streams, arising from a range of inputs such as machine, agronomic and third party data - including crop prices and weather information - into a single platform, to facilitate expedited decision making.
Much of the agriculture landscape in Pakistan consists of small-hold farmers with limited access to requisite agronomic knowledge.
Nutrien Ag Solutions provides crop input products and services that help growers make informed agronomic decisions.
TellusLabs has built a living map of the world's food supply, tracing farm management decisions and agronomic parameters in real time, including field boundaries, crop type, planting and harvest dates, and overall crop performance.
In addition, Farmers Edge's suite of digital agronomic tools combined into Richardson Pioneer's extensive retail network will increase the level of tailored services both companies can provide to their mutual growers in
class="MsoNormalHowever, tissue culture (TC) banana technology and investment in good agronomic trainings have enhanced access superior banana varieties with enhanced pest- and disease resistance and increased yields from an average of 14 to 32 tonnes per hectare.
Innovatus Capital Partners, LLC has announced that it has finalized two trade financing agreements with Latin American companies in the agronomic services and peanut production industries, the company said.
NEW YORK: Innovatus Capital Partners, LLC finalized two trade financing agreements with leading companies in the agronomic services and peanut production industries in Latin America.
Agronomic products topped the list of agricultural exports with 62.4 percent share in terms of volume, followed by horticultural products (22.9 percent) and livestock (11.8 percent), the official added.
In the article titled "Nursery Growing Media: Agronomic and Environmental Quality Assessment of Sewage Sludge-Based Compost" [1], there is a close similarity with the authors' published article: Vecchietti, L., De Lucia, B., Russo, G., Rea, E., and Leone, A.