

relating to an acrostic
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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2E); y 3) escuto sin linea azul brillante en el area acrostical (Fig.
Presutural and postsutural dorsocentral setae well developed, presutural acrostichal setae were not developed but postsutural acrostical seta usually one pair, each of posthumeral and intrapostalar seta usually 1 (fig.13, 14).
Brown; length 1.45 (1.05) mm with 6 rows of acrostical setulae between the two anterior dorsocentral setae, h index = 0.94 (1.01).
Brown gives an account of the aesthetic practices underlying the making of the Lindisfarne Gospels' so-called "carpet" pages--pages whose cross illustrations resemble continental and even Middle Eastern carpet designs--while David Pelteret analyzes Boniface s poem "Versibus en iuvenis," noting its cruciform structure and acrostical effects.
Torax: escamas claras del escudo y escudete de color plateado; area del promontorio anterior con escamas largas que se extienden hacia en area acrostical. Ala: manchas claras generalmente blancas, ocasionalmente crema muy claro en la costa; mancha oscura basal de la costa pequena; mancha palida humeral a 2.0-4.0 de la mancha oscura basal; mancha palida subcostal de la costa a 0.25-0.50 de la mancha oscura subcostal.
pseudoobscura by counting acrostical rows (see Beckenbach and Prevosti 1986).