acetyl group

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Related to acetyl group: acetylation, acetylcholine, pyruvate, methylation, lysine
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Noun1.acetyl group - the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-)acetyl group - the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-)
acyl, acyl group - any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group; "an example of the acyl group is the acetyl group"
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References in periodicals archive ?
A 3-hydrogen singlet at I' 2.17 was correlated in HSQC spectrum with the carbon at I' 23.4, indicating an acetyl group in 1.
NAT2 is involved in the initial biotransformation metabolism of aromatic amines and hydrazines, and catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl CoA to the nitrogen of the substrate (1,2).
The results indicated that ACHA was comprised of the ammonium group, the acetyl group, and the other framework.
Analysis of the [sup.13]C NMR and HSQC spectra of 1 revealed the presence of an aromatic methyl at [[delta].sub.C] 20.2 (3-C[H.sub.3]), an acetyl group ([[delta].sub.C] 208.2 and 32.6) and ten aromatic signals of a naphthalene skeleton (Table 1).
Polyphenols share a common structural component: a phenol or an aromatic ring, usually two, with at least one hydroxyl, methyl, or acetyl group linked via a three-carbon bond to form a six-unit heterocyclic ring.
For instance, tacking an acetyl group onto the histone H3 protein at a specific spot is associated with increased gene activity, but switching the acetyl group for a couple of methyl groups can reduce gene activity.
The presence of the acetyl group in the xylan backbone hinders the complete degradation of hemicellulose; consequently, the removal of the acetyl group is a very important step in many industrial applications which utilize plant biomass, including biofuel production systems (Biely, 1985).
Peak at 2.709 ppm as singlet confirms three protons of methyl group at 8 positions and peak at 2.504 ppm is due to three protons of acetyl group as singlet at 4 positions in the molecule.
To determine the effect of the pyruvyl and acetyl group on xanthan lyase activity, the crude xanthan substrate was purified and the acetylation and pyruvation extent of xanthan was determined as 9.7% and 15.3% respectively.
In our lab, a novel enzyme Acetoxcy Drug: Protein Transacetylase (TAase), catalyzing transfer of acetyl group from various polyphenolic peracetate (PA) to certain receptor proteins such as cytochromes P-450, NADPH cytochrome reductase, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) has been established.
The only structural difference among these two compounds is that ATS has one acetyl group at position 3 (C-ring), whereas QTS possesses a sulphate group at the same position, which is more polar than ATS.