accusative case

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Related to accusative case: genitive case, dative case
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.accusative case - the case of nouns serving as the direct object of a verb
oblique, oblique case - any grammatical case other than the nominative
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References in classic literature ?
However, this rain is not resting, but is doing something ACTIVELY,--it is falling--to interfere with the bird, likely--and this indicates MOVEMENT, which has the effect of sliding it into the Accusative case and changing DEM Regen into DEN Regen." Having completed the grammatical horoscope of this matter, I answer up confidently and state in German that the bird is staying in the blacksmith shop "wegen (on account of) DEN Regen." Then the teacher lets me softly down with the remark that whenever the word "wegen" drops into a sentence, it ALWAYS throws that subject into the GENITIVE case, regardless of consequences--and therefore this bird stayed in the blacksmith shop "wegen DES Regens."
In sentence (2), however, the masculine pronoun with the same semantic role and once again occupying the subject position of the clause with the verb go--but this time in a slightly different configuration--surprisingly displays the accusative Case. As the Case of a DP here clearly differs depending upon its syntactic context and the syntactic constituents that abut it, it can be seen that Case is a derivative phenomenon as far as the syntactic derivation goes and cannot be prespecified.
As an example, we will provide the pronominal inflection for the accusative case: [phrase omitted] '(I) myself, [phrase omitted] '(youSG) yourself, [phrase omitted] '(he/she/it) himself/herself/itself, [phrase omitted] '(we) ourselves', [phrase omitted] '(youPL) yourselves', [phrase omitted] '(they) themselves'; and for the dative case: [phrase omitted]'(I) to myself, [phrase omitted] '(youSG) to yourself, [phrase omitted] '(he/she/it) to himself / to herself / to itself, [phrase omitted] '(we) to ourselves', [phrase omitted] '(youPL) to yourselves', and [phrase omitted] '(they) to themselves'.
Due to the fact that the verbal inflection invited cannot assign accusative case to its adjacent argument, Louise undergoes Noun-Phrase (henceforth NP) movement to SU position, where it receives nomTinative case from the inflection will.
The accusative Case will be treated as [i uval] because it is an instance of a structural Case in a similar way the nominative Case is.
This is contrasted with overt accusative case marking on the O argument of a transitive clause.
Line l2: uta-mai taumam: This phrase ("and my family"), which must be in the accusative case (and therefore must be emended accordingly), is a variation of uta-mai vi{??]am "and my (royal) house," a frequent element of the so-called "protection formula" (e.g., DNa 52-53).
In this comment, another participant performed a correction that mediated the reframing of the Maidan events from an encompassing, organized, and enforced change of regime carried out by "Revolutionists" ([phrase omitted], noun, plural, accusative case) to a sporadic revolt of a Nazi-oriented ("cattle fascists"/[phrase omitted], compound noun, plural, accusative case) and oblivious mob ("cattle fascists"/[phrase omitted], compound noun, plural, accusative case).
Chris GoGwilt, "Conrad's Accusative Case: Romanization, Changing Loyalties, and Switching Scripts"
This study compares and contrasts the use of case in five Finnic languages (Estonian, Finnish, Karelian, Livonian, Veps, and Votic), particularly the alternations using the partitive case and the different forms of the accusative case, using parallel New Testament texts in these languages, along with some additional material from oral collections where biblical material is limited.