

having liability to be blamed or accused
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'The order was handed down by Attorney General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali with the reason being that Section 36(1) of the Sports Development Act 1997 was not an accusable offence,' he said.
What they are in fact implying is that only through becoming indistinguishable from their broader social setting--and thus accusable of occulting their Judaism--are Jews able to integrate into society.
I remain entirely apolitical--a-ethical even--and in that sense, rightly accusable of foregoing what Plate identifies apropos today's film-and-religion students, who must "walk that careful line between praising the great imaginative stories of old and paying attention to the subtle ways these stories might maintain oppressive systems of power." (5) But that I leave to the next set of scholars, who are more able than I, and I hope willing to tackle that important line of questioning.