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 (ə-kŭm′pə-nē, ə-kŭmp′nē)
v. ac·com·pa·nied, ac·com·pa·ny·ing, ac·com·pa·nies
1. To be or go with, especially as a companion.
2. To provide with an addition; supplement: a dish that is best accompanied with a robust wine.
3. To exist or occur at the same time as: dark clouds that were accompanied by rain.
4. Music To perform an accompaniment to.
Music To play an accompaniment.

[Middle English accompanien, from Old French acompagnier : a-, to (from Latin ad-; see ad-) + compaignon, companion; see companion1.]
Synonyms: accompany, conduct, escort, chaperone
These verbs mean to be with or to go with another or others. Accompany suggests going with another on an equal basis: "One day [my wife] accompanied me, upon some household errand, into the cellar of the old building which our poverty compelled us to inhabit" (Edgar Allan Poe).
Conduct implies guidance of others: "A servant conducted me to my bedroom" (Charlotte Brontë).
Escort stresses protective guidance or official action: "At every county town a long cavalcade of the principal gentlemen ... escorted the mayor to the market cross" (Thomas Macaulay).
Chaperone specifies adult supervision of young persons: My mother helped chaperone the prom.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.accompanied - having companions or an escort; "there were lone gentlemen and gentlemen accompanied by their wives"
unaccompanied - being without an escort
2.accompanied - playing or singing with instrumental or vocal accompaniment
unaccompanied - playing or singing without accompaniment; "the soloist sang unaccompanied"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Planchet, the most intelligent of the four, was to follow that by which the carriage had gone upon which the four friends had fired, and which was accompanied, as may be remembered, by Rochefort's servant.
Having set off in the small hours of the fourteenth, accompanied by a bugler and two Cossacks, Balashev reached the French outposts at the village of Rykonty, on the Russian side of the Niemen, by dawn.
He was accompanied by his associate in business, and tried companion in danger, Mr.
It was agreed that on the following morning my companion should depart, accompanied by some one or two of the household, who should point out to him an easy route, by which the bay might be reached before sunset.
The captain leaped in, accompanied by his officers and passengers, and the rapid current of the Thames, aiding the strong arms of the rowers, bore them swiftly to Greenwich.
Was it possible that one of Rokoff's confederates had conspired with some woman--who had accompanied the Russian--to steal the baby from him?
A few hurried lines accompanied the "abstract," and stated the result of the lawyer's visit to Miserrimus Dexter.
His widowed sister, having friends at Florence whom she was anxious to see, readily accompanied him.
The jed of lesser Helium with a small party of nobles accompanied them all the way to Thark to cement more closely the new bonds of peace and friendship.
The morning after our arrival at the Cottage, Sophia complained of a violent pain in her delicate limbs, accompanied with a disagreable Head-ake She attributed it to a cold caught by her continued faintings in the open air as the Dew was falling the Evening before.
"My head man had never before been in this part of the country and the guides who were to have accompanied me from the last village we passed knew even less of the country than we.
Without doubt, the report of those who had accompanied the French gentleman established the discretion with which he had behaved, for the first impression the stranger received of the welcome made him by the general was more favorable than he could have expected at such a moment, and on the part of so suspicious a man.