
Related to accommodational: Accomodation


relating to accommodation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Adj.1.accommodational - of or relating to the accommodation of the lens of the eyeaccommodational - of or relating to the accommodation of the lens of the eye; "accommodational strain"
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References in periodicals archive ?
The previous study indicated that academic stress depends on accommodational resources (Oh & Lee, 2013), but our study did not include what types of accommodations were available at the cyberuniversity.
Like Heidegger's vis a vis the nothing that belongs to being in the above passage, this Oriental initiative is "grounded" not, as in the telling case of the Indian nationalist Jawaharlal Nehru, in the accommodational identitarian nationalism of the modern West and the "progressive" concept of history that Western humanism (including Marxism) assumes, but in the nothing that is ontologically prior to identity:
Some states make use of accommodational policies to overcome this dichotomy, whereas others resort to assimilatory policies to eliminate inter-group differences.
LEGAL COMMENTARY: An employer is not obligated to choose the "best" accommodational an employee seeks.
formally conservative (not necessarily "accommodational"),
Second, we could approach the topic through a more accommodational or apologetic focus, standing with our feet placed in what we consider to be the church and looking outward at the modern/postmodern world in which we live.
For example, Kolb (1974) has identified four styles of learning: convergent versus divergent and assimilational versus accommodational. Dunn and Dunn (1978) have categorized styles in terms of preferred elements in a learning situation, such as various aspects of the environment (e.g., sound and light) and various aspects of Interaction with the self and others (e.g., peers and adults).
Such an outline views these functional elites of integration and pattern maintenance as accommodational, as elite theory suggests.
Some observers even take the consensual nature of the process to denote the existence of a period of consociational democracy, a view rightly dismissed by Andrea Bonime-Blanc on the grounds that governments were not formed by coalitions representing the major socio-political segments of society: the Spanish transition was simply marked by accommodational political behaviour, with party leaders setting the main example.[4]
The response to such a situation may be either a contestatory or an accommodational one -- it may move to oppose and change such circumstances, or it may take them as given and reflect (reflect upon) their operations....
In keeping with one of the most epochal onto-political "advances" of the Enlightenment--what Foucault called the "invention" of the individual or, more to the point, "the subjected subject" (8)--Austen, that is, conceals the violence at the new origin of Mansfield Park by replacing the old arbitrary (civilizational/imperial) center by the new, equally but differently enacted tyrannical, accommodational center: an enlightened, "de-centered" center that not only produces and tolerates difference but encourages its mobility--as long as &is difference and mobility does not threaten the authority of the abiding center, as long, in Austen's language, as these take their "proper place" in the larger identical whole.