
(redirected from Wrecking yard)
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Brit a place where old machines such as cars and ships are destroyed and where useful parts are saved
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


scrap yard [ˈskræpjɑːrd] n (British)casse f
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n (esp Brit) → Schrottplatz m
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I've had a sheet-metal shop and a wrecking yard. I've been very successful in my private life.
The one pictured here was used by a small dairy in southern Idaho from 1948 until the early 1960s, when it was retired to a wrecking yard. There it languished for more than 50 years.
There are skips, there is a plant where cable is stripped of its plastic coat to reveal the gleaming, precious copper below, there are three large cranes, a PS1 million car crushing machine, a waste station and wrecking yard.
The former owner, Michael Cress, was fined $19,775 by the state in 2015 for letting most of the tires pile up over years of operating a wrecking yard there.
MONDAY Hoods The Riverfront, Newport, 7pm Every night, the 'hoods' ride the train to a wrecking yard on the edge of the city.
Not until age 23, after a series of dead-end jobs at, for instance, an ice cream parlor and wrecking yard. She enrolled in junior college and became the first person in her family to attempt higher education.
The tow driver will be dispatched to the vehicles location, the customer will be paid on the spot and the junk car is transported (free of charge) to the automotive wrecking yard for “salvaging.” Junk car pickups are scheduled within an hour of first contact with the rep or whenever the customer schedule permits.
* Police were advised of a large number of thefts at local car wrecking yards and set up surveillance on an Old Onondaga Road wrecking yard on Jun.
This utility-scale power plant is next to an asphalt recycling plant and an auto wrecking yard in Lancaster.
Top, four of the engines due for restoration and, below, Dai Woodham's famous wrecking yard in the 1960s