

(Nautical Terms) an official who takes charge of cargo that has been thrown ashore after a shipwreck
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References in periodicals archive ?
HONK's additional efforts include optimizing and educating within their organization and recently hired industry-specialist Dennis McGowan, a WreckMaster Certified Level 4/5 technician, with over 15 years experience.
Moreover, Alpine Towing's success as a company keeps growing because of honest, quality service performed by tow truck drivers who are all WreckMaster certified.
WEDNESDAY C-2 FINAL STANDINGS - Papa John's 4-1, Advance Cabinet Designs 3-1-1, Cybermonkeys 3-2, Day Drinkers 3-2, Windemere Wonders 1-3-1, A&M Wreckmasters 0-5.