
Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia.
v. t. & i.1.To woo.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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She tells NAW: "We are now working on building a WOWe membership association of over 100,000 women entrepreneurs across Africa, and within the African Diaspora .
The WOWe serves a purpose - it's a good start to encourage women entrepreneurship in Africa, and is a platform where women are encouraged to look beyond gender and focus on how to use their skills to solve continental problems.
WOWe is an inspiring event that meets the needs of the "missing middle" - young educated African women who are driven to start businesses but are less experienced financially or are intimidated by business and financial language.
With a strong line-up of speakers, WOWe is an interactive, fun but informative conference, with a chat show format designed to educate and entertain delegates.
John Jackson, editor of WOWe said, ``The main aim of Opportunity Wales is to encourage the use of eCommerce.