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abbreviation for
(Furniture) waste paper basket
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Bennett and Sawarzky [19] have found that WPB not only increases reports of psychosomatic complaints and psychological manifestations but also causes ineffective coping skills and may lead to impaired work relationships.
In my views the WPB is not practicable even for day.
The enemy has unleashed attack on our family system in the name of WPB and our governments have been assigned target to undermine family system.
However, it is possible to suggest that the ignition of neither WPB or OSB depends on the board thickness or the difference is minimal.
president in 1942 to take a job in the Army Ordnance Dept, and later headed the WPB farm machinery division, rejoining Deere & Co.
To assure a steady supply of labor in the shipbuilding and construction industries, the WPB helped negotiate stabilization agreements between the relevant unions and industry representatives covering wages, hours, grievance procedures, work rules, overtime, limits on production, and premium pay.
The L, a and b values for WPB were 50.36, 3.00 and 11.13, respectively.
In September, the Harvest Brigade completed its work 1,500 miles north of where it started, and "General" Tucker had made good on his promise to the WPB: The 500 combines cut 1,019,500 acres for a total yield of more than 25 million bushels of grain while saving 333,000 man-hours and 500,000 gallons of fuel.