Windsor soap

a scented soap well known for its excellence.
- Simmonds.

See also: Windsor

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Dropping his spade, he thrust both hands in, and drew out handfuls of something that looked like ripe Windsor soap, or rich mottled old cheese; very unctuous and savory withal.
For almost 60 years he was at the head of a royal dynasty which made even the Windsor soap opera seem mundane.
It's just another boring episode in the Windsor soap that has an ever-decreasing audience.
But Prevarication Jones brought them special soap - Windsor soap, it was called.
But if she hadn't become the Ange to Chas's Dirty Den in the Windsor soap, she might have managed to get the professional help she so desperately needed.
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