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[ˈwaɪldˌfaʊləʳ] Ncazador(a) m/f de ánades
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References in periodicals archive ?
His father worked at Wildfowler Decoys, based on Long Island, and was one of the first members of the Long Island Decoy Collectors Association.
Rich in history and legend, Reelfoot remains a destination for today's wildfowler.
As she speaks, the Fens come to life with primal bog-sounds, and the character of Nell strides across the space like a defiant Fen-tiger wildfowler. According to the published stage directions, Nell is supposed to be walking on stilts, just as the early inhabitants of the Fens did before the land was drained.
(11) Millais's son, John Guille Millais, a protege of Owen's, was an accomplished natural history artist who collected specimens for the British Museum (Natural History) and published books on subjects such as The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, The Wildfowler in Scotland, and The Natural History of the British Surface-Feeding Ducks.
He and ex-Arsenal footballer had also met staff at the Wildfowler pub where they'd gone for a pint of Guinness.
But it was the North American wildfowler that popularized the wooden gunning decoy we know and still love.
Also worth consideration are the writings of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, particularly, Notes on Fishing (1847) and Notes of a Provincial Wildfowler (1852).
That's when Farmer Moorebottle and his wildflower (sorry, wildfowler) mates must hang up their guns while the nation's pheasant pluckers still their frantic finger-work for another nine months.
I say shooting, my dad was a very keen wildfowler, but he never actually fired his gun, a 12-bore, simply because there was little left to shoot after the ravages of the Second World War, although I do remember the gun being fired once, just to show me it actually worked!
I don't believe he could stay away from this country's grainfields and potholes in the fall if his life depended on it, and I'm not sure there's a wildfowler alive in this country who has hunted as many places as Gary has.
The young mallards, hatched at Caerphilly Castle's moat this year, were rescued by firefighters after being spotted disappearing down the drain by wildfowler Robert Hughes.