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pl n
1. (Environmental Science) US wild, uncultivated, and uninhabited areas
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Heat-induced squamous cell carcinoma of the lower extremities in a wildlands firefighter.
OROVILLE, Calif: Wildlands is now accepting reservations for habitat mitigation at the Dove Ridge Conservation Bank.
India, April 10 -- Splinter Cell protagonist Sam Fisher is coming to Ghost Recon Wildlands in a special crossover event as part of Special Operation 1, which is the first major update of four planned updates for the second year of the Ghost Recon Wildlands.
French video game publisher Ubisoft last week (http://www.ibtimes.com/splinter-cell-rumors-sam-fisher-crossover-teased-ghost-recon-wildlands-2669858) not-so-subtly teased that Sam Fisher, protagonist of the dormant "Splinter Cell" franchise, would show up in "Ghost Recon Wildlands." Both games carry Tom Clancy branding and have other thematic similarities, so the crossover was neither shocking nor unwelcome.
10 -- Ghost Recon: Wildlands is Ubisoft's best-selling game so far this year, and you can now try the game out for free.
This is how I spend many, many hours in "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands." And to be honest, some of these activities are more interesting than others, and they're not the ones you think.
TOM CLANCY'S GHOST RECON WILDLANDS PS4 GHOST Recon veterans may not love it but I think this is an absolute masterpiece.
Byline: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Climate Change in Wildlands: Pioneering Approaches to Science and Management
US-based nonprofit conservation groups Sonoma Land Trust (SLT), Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (District) and The Wildlands Conservancy (TWC) have teamed up to purchase the 547-acre Estero Ranch south of Bodega Bay, California, the groups said.
While forests and vegetation on the wildlands in California stored an estimated 850 million tons of carbon in 2010, they emitted over 69 million tons of carbon from 2001 through 2010, Patrick Gonzalez, a climate change scientist with the National Park Service, told Xinhua.

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