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Wich·i·ta 1

n. pl. Wichita or Wich·i·tas
1. A member of a Native American confederacy formerly inhabiting south-central Kansas and later moving southward into Oklahoma and Texas, with a present-day population in southwest Oklahoma.
2. The Caddoan language of the Wichita.

[Of Wichita origin (originally the name of one Wichita village population of the 18th century).]

Wich·i·ta 2

A city of south-central Kansas on the Arkansas River southwest of Kansas City. It was founded in the 1860s on the site of an earlier Wichita village and boomed as a cow town after the coming of the railroad in 1872.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The rugged granite Wichitas thrust up out of the prairie like some giant tumbledown tombstone.
The Wichita and Affiliated Tribes president forged relationships with local municipal leaders and university experts in western Oklahoma.
Market, Wichita, (316) 285-0007 www.thecenterofwichita.
Lorraine, Wichita, (316) 681-2545, www.tyreeclinic.com
Topeka, Wichita, (316) 263-5886, director@wichitapeace.org, www.wichitapeace.org
Commerce, Wichita, (316) 263-2214, (316) 263-5214, www.pdiks.com
HIV+ Men's Support Group, Wichita, (316) 293-3405, mmadecky@kumc.edu Living Positive, a support group for people living with HIV and their caregivers.
Wichita Prime Timers, ICTPrimeTimers@aol.com, www.primetimersww.com/Wichita, social group for mature gay men.
Freethinking Parents meet 2-4pm, third Sundays at Botanica, Wichita. Info: www.facebook.com/ groups/586131888148529/