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n.1.A volcanist.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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His theory, which established the 'Vulcanist' interpretation of the primacy of the volcanic activity in elevating new land masses as opposed to the 'Neptunist,' "retreating-ocean model ...
Mephistopheles is associated with the Vulcanist geology that Goethe found uncongenial.
the World, as we Know 't," which begins with an inspired opening line: "The neptunists and vulcanists were going at it hammer and tongs." Even better, the story, like Le Guin and Attebery's collection, lives up to its initial promise.
Vulcanists, Neptunists, and racists (such as Gobineau, Cuvier, and Renan, who created hierarchies of civilizations based on skin color) aroused Flaubert's skepticism, more baldly displayed in Bouvard et Pecuchet.