Twitter storm

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Twitter storm



(Communications & Information) informal a message on the Twitter website which attracts a significant amount of attention from other Twitter users and may be picked up by mainstream media
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While the Twitterstorm has abated, it poses many issues beyond Garth's relationship with Inroads, issues at the centre of Inroads' mission.
The starters of the campaign are due to stage a twitterstorm tomorrow night to boycott the Saudi products.
As we follow the ambassador and press team, dealing with the latest Trump Twitterstorm and plans for his imminent visit, it feels like this should be an episode of a political satire like The Thick Of It.
As we follow him and the press team, dealing with the latest Trump Twitterstorm and plans for his imminent visit, it feels like this should be an episode of a political satire, such as The Thick of It.
In the first edition, the ambassador and his press team have to deal with the fallout from some of Donald Trump's more controversial policies and also enter a massive Twitterstorm as the president attacks Theresa May over his retweet of a British far-right group.
The BBOG hashtag had staying power because it was sparked by a Nigerian Twitterstorm a week after the girls' abduction and got a second wind when Michelle Obama joined the campaign (S.
There has been a Twitterstorm against him for "walking into an Indian trap".
There's a twitterstorm in a teacup going on right now after the Prime Minister's announcement of Dr Maszlee Malik as the education minister.
When, as a Buzzfeed writer, she tweeted a request for article pitches from non-white, non-male writers, she inspired a twitterstorm and a backlash from the mainstream Canadian media, a media landscape she describes as "offering the same selection of toothpaste-flavoured ice cream for a century and then wondering why your business is failing." She details her response to the onslaught of violent racist and sexist Twitter harassment in one of her essays.
She continues to serve in the Senate, where--earlier this year--her objections to Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch sparked a social media backlash from Wisconsin Governor (and 2016 presidential candidate) Scott Walker, that The Nation described as a "Twitterstorm tirade of 16 Trump-style attacks on residents of the state capital city of Madison, liberals, and Baldwin herself."--LG & JAM
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Trump's choice for chief of staff, touched off a Twitterstorm Sunday with his Christmas greeting, which some perceived as him comparing Trump to Jesus Christ as "a savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind." He said now is the "time to celebrate the good news of a new king."
On Wednesday, the focus was on educators, featuring former Department employee now first-year teacher De'Rell Bonner taking over the agency's Snapchat account, as well as a Twitterstorm where teachers shared #BackToSchoolTips.