two cents' worth

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two cents' worth

n. Informal
A usually unsolicited opinion on a subject: offered my two cents' worth on the new policy.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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One can not buy and pay for two cents' worth of clams without trouble and a quarrel.
"The pincher," was his thought; "too miserly to burn two cents' worth of gas and save his boarders' necks."
Here's my two cents' worth: It is very easy after a certain age to take the line of least resistance and just pine away lying in bed or on the couch and playing it safe at home.
I want to give my two cents' worth on the responsibility of parents in a society that has perhaps gone mad and seems unable to discern between what is good or bad and a government that is no longer for the people but for its leaders.
With the general election in Pakistan being round the corner, Hussain Haqqani does not refrain from giving his two cents' worth on Pakistani media, PEMRA should exercise complete media blackout for him.
And elderly woman who has been listening to the conversation adds her two cents' worth.
SO Katie Hopkins is again peddling her moronic wares on the Irish media, getting her two cents' worth in.
I just read the field test of predator ARs in the March issue and would like to put my two cents' worth in on this matter.
Here are a couple of my favorite cultural insights on living in an unpredictable part of the world, and my two cents' worth:
The tweet above comes with the image as seen in the link, and already, fans are chipping in their two cents' worth of what they think about the leaks.
If I can put in my two cents' worth, I sincerely think that Reyes is still the man for the job.
The programme will examine our reluctance to talk about death and dying so of course the usual celebrity heads will be popping up to give their two cents' worth.