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Noun1.Tremellaceae - a family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinallyTremellaceae - a family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally
fungus family - includes lichen families
order Tremellales, Tremellales - fungi varying from gelatinous to waxy or even horny in texture; most are saprophytic
genus Tremella, Tremella - fungi with yellowish gelatinous sporophores having convolutions resembling those of the brain
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This was followed by Debaryomycetaceae, Malasseziaceae, Dothioraceae, Herpotrichiellaceae and Tremellaceae.
Especies nuevas o raras de Atractiellales (Auriculariales s.l.), Exidiaceae, Sirobasidiaceae y Tremellaceae. Revista de Biologia Tropical 48, 539-554.