Tremella foliacea

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Noun1.Tremella foliacea - a jelly fungus with a fruiting body 5-15 cm broad and gelatinous in consistencyTremella foliacea - a jelly fungus with a fruiting body 5-15 cm broad and gelatinous in consistency; resembles a bunch of leaf lettuce; mostly water and brownish in color
jelly fungus - any fungus of the order Tremellales or Auriculariales whose fruiting body is jellylike in consistency when fresh
genus Tremella, Tremella - fungi with yellowish gelatinous sporophores having convolutions resembling those of the brain
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References in periodicals archive ?
minutum pero difiere de la nueva especie por ser de mucho mayor tamano (4 - 7 cm) que la asemeja a Tremella foliacea Pers., y es de color marron hasta marron rojizo