story arc

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story arc

(Broadcasting) a continuing storyline in a television series that gradually unfolds over several episodes
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His story arc, described by some of his followers as 'heartbreaking' and 'so sad,' reflected the current US administration's ongoing crackdown on supposed illegal aliens.
Residents of the fictional Yorkshire Dales village will be rocked by the new story arc, although it remains unclear who faces the axe.
game Having a supernatural ability of his own, Charles is able to piece together clues you find throughout the city to deduce what happened and solve the mini cases within the main story arc.
The main story arc concerns Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic and subjugate all wizards and muggles (non-magic people).
WAR OF REALMS #1 THE limited series event starts with Thor's story arc, as the God of Thunder prepares to do battle with Malekith the Accursed and his army, which has laid waste to nine of the Ten Realms.
Additionally, although the plotline of the text is fictitious, elements of Lalami's nonfiction work (e.g., her New York Times essay "What Does It Take to Assimilate' in America?") are readily discernible in the story arc she creates throughout the novel.
So far, the "Dragon Ball FighterZ" DLC haven't introduced character from the Tournament of Power story arc yet.
His memories, as with many memories, can sometimes seem disjointed or not central to the overall story arc. But Van Sciver takes seemingly random recollections, like a childhood conversation about being rich, and artfully ties them to his 2014 self's worries about money.
Critique: "Eternity's Account: Rulers" is the forth volume in the 'Eternity's Account' series by collaborative novelists Julie Bryson and Catherine Sharpe that is both a logical extension of the series story arc, yet can be read as a stand alone work of science fiction and fantasy fiction.
Arigami: Shadow Edition repackages the innovative stealth-'em-up with a new story arc called Nightfall.
X-MEN RED A NEW story arc begins for X-Men fans with The Hate Machine After the events of Phoenix Resurrection, the original Jean Grey makes a return to the X-Men universe, and she's putting together an unlikely team of heroes.
Chapters highlight from four to seven episodes chosen for their creative contributions, character development, or significance to the season's story arc. Each episode begins with a summary of the action.