

n, pl -li
a type of short Italian rhyming poem or song which usually contains three lines
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Craig's "catch sung softly" is presumably the same as Browning's "whifts of song," the stornello that drifts in and out of Fra Lippo's monologue beginning "Flower o' the broom" and that Craig appears to associate with the "sound of twanging music." This goes some way to explain the otherwise-inscrutable "Twangtwang twang," but alone this cannot unravel the enigma of Craig's proposed score for "Fra Lippo Lippi," undeveloped as it is.
I came back from that convinced that small is the new big when it comes to tough conditions, so I walked up to the Stornello with a delightful sense of anticipation.
Grassi, D., Desideri, G., Necozione, S., Ruggieri, F., Blumberg, J.B., Stornello, M., Ferri, G, 2012.
A tre, a quattro, a cinque voci assieme, si sentiva cantare qua l'allegro stornello toscano, la la patetica romanza meridionale, piu lontano la canzone guerriera delle Alpi; ed altri smettere, ed altri cominciare, e mille accenti e dialetti svariati succedersi e mescolarsi.
For example, the depiction of women reappears in discussion of the Macchiaioli, where Boime contrasts images of the independent, newly emancipated woman in synchrony with Mazzinian ideals, as seen in Silvestro Lega's Singing the Stornello (1867), with the decidedly retrograde Pre-Raphaelite femme fatale.
CONTENTS: "L'esule"; "La seduzione"; "Il poveretto"; "Stornello"; Sei romanze: "Non t'accostar all'urna," "More, Elisa, lo stanco poeta," "In solitaria stanza," "Nell'orror di notte oscura," "Perduta ho la pace," "Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata"; Sei romanze: "Il tramonto," "La zingara," "Ad una stella," "Lo spazzacamino," "Il mistero," "Brindisi" (prima versione), "Brindisi" (seconda versione).
(3.) Vermi W, Facehetti F, Riboldi E, Heine H, Scutera S, Stornello S, et al.
The essays in this volume range from the general to the more particular, from Christine Sleeter's "Toward Wisdom Through Conversation," which reviews the divergent perspectives that have informed research on teaching, to Joseph Stornello's analysis of the persistent ideological influence of education historian Elwood Cubberly.
And now to that pantheon of dinky delights is added the Stornello, the Italian for a rhyming folk song and a nod 5,000rpm Colours: white/red to 1960s Guzzi scramblers of the same name with their distinctive red frames and white tanks.
Ricompaiono le greggi che attraversavano il centro storico durante la notte e lo scalino, soglia che delimita due mondi diversi, e se per gli uomini e ancora quello di Regina coeli, con lo stornello che figura gia al capitolo III ("Dentro a Regina Coeli, c'e uno scalino; chi non lo ha salito non e romano") piu o meno italianizzato, per le donne sara l'uscio di casa a delimitare l'interno e l'esterno, ovvero il discrimine fra la domesticita e la socialita.
Morazzoni, P., Cristoni, A., Di Pierro, F., Avanzini, C., Ravarino, D., Stornello, S., Zucca, M., Musso, T., 2005.
(34) The stornello and the rispetto are, of course, related forms, but they differ significantly in length: the stornello always consists of three lines while the rispetto usually consists of eight lines, and naturally, the overall effect of length on each of the forms is significant.