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natural or instinctual affection, as of a parent for a child
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These include eros (romantic love), philia (loyal friendship), storge (family love), and pragma, the rational, pragmatic form of love, epitomized by a Darwin list that objectively reviews the pros and cons of getting married.
Thus, on Sunday 10/05/2015 the Coalition Forces conducted an air mission against two targets: the building used as (weapons storege) and (the gathering of Houthi leaders with their militiamen) using guided bombs, which hit the first target (weapons storge).
Lewis discusses the four loves: storge, the love of affection and empathy; philia, the love between friends; eros, the love of a man for a woman; and agape, the unconditional love of God, benevolent love towards all.
Storge is characterized by stability and friendship, similar to Sternberg's companionate love.
Ancient Greeks had multiple words for the single English word "love." These words included storge, eros, agape, and philia.
Storge represents familial or parental love and agapeacute, which is beloved of the Christian churches, suggests the universal attraction that links humans to God.
Such manifestations of storge, Lewis suggests, turn
Lewis: Storge (empathy), Philia (friendship), Eros (erotic), or Agape (unconditional God love).
Jephtha will live ridden with guilt; his wife Storge, never to forgive him, living the rest of her life in sorrow.