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(Biography) Dame Ethel (Mary). 1858–1944, British composer, best known for her operas, such as The Wreckers (1906). She was imprisoned for supporting the suffragette movement
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References in classic literature ?
Smyth, you are to go under our charge, and be our aunty,--you mind."
Smyth, "that there have been men down, warning all the packet captains against a man and woman, with a little boy."
Smyth, a respectable woman from the settlement in Canada, whither they were fleeing, being fortunately about crossing the lake to return thither, had consented to appear as the aunt of little Harry; and, in order to attach him to her, he had been allowed to remain, the two last days, under her sole charge; and an extra amount of petting, jointed to an indefinite amount of seed-cakes and candy, had cemented a very close attachment on the part of the young gentleman.
Smyth, with little Harry, sought the seclusion of the ladies' cabin, where the dark beauty of the supposed little girl drew many flattering comments from the passengers.
Smyth, to the hospitable abode of a good missionary, whom Christian charity has placed here as a shepherd to the outcast and wandering, who are constantly finding an asylum on this shore.
Soon after, the little boy was sent home, as Indian children always are, but his mother remained out in India, and a year or two later married Major Henry Carmichael Smyth. Major Smyth was a simple, kindly gentleman, and proved a good stepfather to his wife's little boy, who, when he grew up and became famous drew his stepfather's portrait in the character of Colonel Newcome.
The hymn must therefore be later than that date, though Terpander, according to Weir Smyth (16), may have only modified the scale of the lyre; yet while the burlesque character precludes an early date, this feature is far removed, as Allen and Sikes remark, from the silliness of the "Battle of the Frogs and Mice", so that a date in the earlier part of the sixth century is most probable.
Smyth, a former travelling companion in Europe, a district officer in the New York Custom House.
{103} See Admiral Smyth on the currents in the Straits of Messina, quoted in "The Authoress of the Odyssey," p.
Medical experts heard Liam Smyth appeared "committed to addressing his health conditions and is apparently engaged in residential rehabilitation focused on his opiate dependence."
Before he was elected alderman in April, Sigcho-Lopez headed the Pilsen Alliance neighborhood group, which held a protest before a Smyth Local School Council meeting in December saying the city needed to "protect Smyth" from Ignatius' expansion plans.
Smyth, an American-born film historian and professor at Warwick University, demonstrates in her book Nobody's Girl Friday: The Women Who Ran Hollywood (328 pgs., Oxford University Press, 2018, U.S.