
(redirected from Self-censor)


the regulation of a group's actions and statements by its own members rather than an external agency
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The current situation, where China slowly gets Americans to self-censor, just isn't sustainable," said the unnamed congressional official.
In a bid to surmount these hurdles, Dickson, who spoke on the topic, 'Unbiased Reportage, Defining True Journalism; Prospects and Way Forward, decried that journalists were compelled to self-censor themselves.
As a result, all media outlets are required to self-censor themselves in the country.
According to the RSF announcement, Turkish Cypriot journalists have recently been facing increasing pressure with regards to coverage of Turkey and its policies towards Cyprus, with some receiving 'warnings' from Turkish officials and others forced to self-censor their work fearing a crackdown on media similar to that within Turkey.
We self-censor or sanitise the things we wish to say or portray about ourselves because we want to look or sound like better people than we are.
Anyone who lives in Pakistan knows that we self-censor before we are made to, that we curate our public personas and private thoughts not because they are wrong, but because we have to.
We believe that they will be less willing to self-censor their political opinions, more likely to engage in expressive political behaviors online, and participate in the political process in more traditional ways.
Technology moves on and we in the United Kingdom should not self-censor ambition.
Direct censorship was followed by the requirement to 'self-censor', turning every editor into an in-house censor!
Citizens may even self-censor, not sharing different opinions or views, because they worry that these will somehow contravene the act.
But Delaney failed to self-censor and repeated several times the "n-word" from the lyrics to the song.