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1. (Architecture) the practice of building one's own home
2. the practice of building one's own home
3. (Architecture) a house that one has built oneself
4. a house that one has built oneself
5. (Architecture) built by the occupant or involving building by the occupant
6. built by the occupant or involving building by the occupant
vb, -builds, -building or -built
7. (Architecture) to build (a home, etc) for one's own use
8. to build (a home, etc) for one's own use
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Scottish Government's self-build initative has been rolled out to include a site in Dumfries one of only three council areas in the country earmarked.
Whether you are looking for your next self-build or renovation inspiration, or planning your first ever project - a visit to the Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show will give you practical information and guidance to turn your grand designs into reality.
Grand Designs: The Street C4, 9pm Kevin McCloud follows the progress of two more new builds in Bicester, Oxfordshire, whose homes will become part of Britain's biggest self-build project.
After many months and sometimes years, designing and waiting for planning approval this longed for day definitely marks a real milestone in your self-build journey.
>> New fund to make it easier to build own home SELF-BUILD Wales, the PS210m scheme unveiled by the Welsh Government over the weekend, will help diversify the house-building market and is a positive step forward, according to the Federation of Master Builders Cymru.
Durham County Council is to get a total of PS2,060,000 for the former Stanley School of Technology Housing Development and a separate Self-Build Housing Development.
Sitting in a stunning location, boasting panoramic views over Huddersfield and beyond, these plots are available on a self-build basis.
The Society is helping to stimulate the self-build market by providing a range of consistently competitive and innovative mortgage products.
Strategic director of development Waheed Nazir said: "I think that self-build and custom build have real potential to make a genuine contribution to meeting the housing needs of the city.
Chairman of the National Custom and Self Build Association Michael Holmes explains: "Self-build has continued to rise in popularity over the last 18 months.
From bespoke town houses to rural cottage extensions, Scotland is leading the way for self-build homes, according to new figures.