Scottish National Party

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Related to Scottish National Party: Ukip, Plaid Cymru

Scottish National Party

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a political party advocating the independence of Scotland, founded in 1934. Abbreviation: SNP
Scottish Nationalist, Scot Nat n, adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Scottish National Party

n the Scottish National Partyil partito nazionalista scozzese
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Based on how respondents said they would vote next May, the survey calculated that Labour would have 54 seats in the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish National Party would have 47, the Liberal Democrats 15 and the Conservatives 13.
Labour, facing critical Scottish Parliament elections, has already taken off the gloves in its battle with a Scottish National Party riding high in the opinion polls.
LIB DEM leader Charles Kennedy last night launched a scathing attack on the Scottish National Party and their "shortbread socialism".
THE former deputy leader of the Scottish National Party, Douglas Henderson, has died after a short illness at the age of 71.
Actor Sir Sean Connery, pictured, will make a "substantial" contribution to a Scottish National Party election campaign, its leader said yesterday.
However, making sense of the Scottish National Party financial plan for an independent Scotland is beyond even him.
Addressing delegates at the Scottish National Party's spring conference, he promised to replace council tax with an income-based scheme' give NHS patients legally binding waiting times and hold a referendum on independence within four years.
Mrs Curran instituted an investigation after complaints from the Scottish National Party.
A Scottish National Party spokesman said: "There are environmental issues associated with searches for the monster but surely this can be dealt with by the current bodies in place."
The Scottish National Party wants Scots to compete for their country rather than as part of the Great Britain team.
THE Scottish National Party never tire of telling Scots how much better-off we would be if they ran the country.
The reports followed the Scottish National Party's gain of 11 seats in the General Election of February 1974.

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