Scottish Highland

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Scottish Highland

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Following his death at the age of 82 after a period of ill health, his family and the Scottish Highland Games Association have been looking back at his glory days.
The Braemar Gathering is a traditional Scottish Highland Games which predates the 1745 Uprising, and since 1848 it has been regularly attended by the reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth and members of the royal family.
Athletes of the Scottish Highland Games will take part in the III World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan, reported the British Embassy to Kyrgyzstan on August 20.
Scottish Highland Games athlete Michael Dickens added: "Legend indeed.
Scottish Highland Railways 5 days from PS509 Flying direct from Cardi, May & Jun, Aug to Oct 2016, Apr to Jun, Oct 2017 Experience some of Scotland's most scenic railways.
Lady Lairds MONDAY, BBC1, 9PM Documentary following four women over the course of a year as they run their Scottish Highland estates and country houses.
(c) Scottish Highland Railways 5 days from PS499 Flying direct from Birmingham, April to October 2016, April to June, September & October 2017 Experience some of Scotland's - and indeed the world's - most scenic railways.
When Carol Soule and her partner Bruce Dawson introduced two pregnant Scottish Highland cows to their 32-acre homestead atop Whitehouse Road in Loudon six years ago, they did so hoping for a respite from the ongoing battle with fast-growing brash.
Who knows, if this catches on, the miniature Scottish Highland may put the weed-whacker and brush-hog dealers out of business.
UPTON - A 2,000-pound Scottish Highland bull got loose early Sunday morning, and it took police several hours to get the animal returned to its home.
The range of 15 products available in the United States includes traditional British specialties such as Scottish highland shortbread and English damson plum jam as well as the unique Duchy Originals Oaten biscuits.

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