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Related to SEAC: CEAC, SEIAA


(ˈsiːæk) education
acronym for
(Education) School Examination and Assessment Council
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References in periodicals archive ?
'Hence, I have decided to discontinue his service as a member of the SEAC,' he said.
zygaena had similar SEAc values, and showed relatively large isotopic overlap (Tables 2-3, Figs.
We want the builder to take remedial measures." But according to experts the SEAC in its minutes dated October 5 has failed to incorporate NGT's clear directions in its terms of reference ( ToR) meant for a new EIA for the project.
On September 2, 1945 a historic agreement was signed at SEAC Headquarters in Kandy, Sri Lanka, heralding the independence of Myanmar.
The SESAR validation of 'Follow the Greens' was planned and conducted by SEAC, Italy's ENAV and Germany's DFS with DLR, the German Aeronautic and Space Research Center.
According to SEAC Executive Director Anh Vu Sawyer, the festival is a "testimony to the glorious cultural diversity that Worcester is all about." The SEAC is expecting more than 3,000 people to attend.
The orders are said to have come from Lord Louis Mountbatten, who back in 1943 was the then admiral of the newly created SouthEast Asia Command (SEAC), a new combined command responsible for the South-East Asian Theatre.
opposite Seac"aa You've got to add in intelligent as well."
Also today, Wafra announced that it has cleared some 3,000 feddans of agricultural land at portfolio company Sudanese Egyptian Agricultural Crops Company (SEAC) in southern Sudan.
(2) Having built SEAC, the first American programmable computer at NBS, it was possible for us to introduce innovations that have survived to the present.
But the matter is important because in 1943 in Burma (South-East Asia Command or SEAC), the Beaufighters of No.
IP MURPHY, (1939-45 WWII SEAC Veteran 14th Army), Birmingham WHEN large numbers of immigrants started to arrive in this country we were promised that undesirables would be weeded out and deported if they didn't behave.