racing shell

(redirected from Rowing shells)
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: shell - a very light narrow racing boatracing shell - a very light narrow racing boat  
racing boat - a boat propelled by oarsmen and designed for racing
racing skiff, single shell - a shell for a single oarsman
scull - a racing shell that is propelled by sculls
sliding seat - rower's seat that slides fore and aft
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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I'll say briefly that I've owned five rowing shells in my 10-plus years on the water, all purchased used, with three now out of commission.
The event is open to rowing shells, kayaks, canoes, paddle boarders, and dragon boats.
In other business, supporters of the citywide crew team who are raising money to replace damaged rowing shells. asked the committee for its support in soliciting corporate donations through naming rights and color choices, and the committee referred the item to a standing committee.
It's important to be considerate of the rowers by slowing to a no-wake speed when passing their low-profile rowing shells. Most of the rowers will be within a mile of the ramp in either direction, leaving the rest of the canal to anglers.
Demonstrations at the show will include kayak rolling, steam bending and seat caning, construction methods of rowing shells with sliding seats, and wood strip boat construction.
A new use of an ancient material, oak, acting as an appropriate, evocative screen to halls for rowing shells, some of the most beautiful wooden artefacts ever made.
At eight Bay Area lakes, you can rent big, friendly (read stable) rowboats for family outings; at a handful of places, you can also watch and even climb into the sleeker rowing shells. Rentals cost $3 to $7 per hour.
CUTLINE: (1) Worcester public schools crew team members Casmir Kruczynski, 16, of Burncoat High School, left, Tim Gardner, 16, of Doherty High School, and Gabrielle Kruczynski, 17, of Burncoat survey the damage done to five of the team's rowing shells. (2) Crew team coach Richard Stavros talks Monday about the extensive damage done to the shells.