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(Biography) Nicholas. 1674–1718, English dramatist, who produced the first critical edition of Shakespeare; poet laureate (1715–18). His plays include Tamerlane (1702) and The Fair Penitent (1703)
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References in classic literature ?
I took passage with Cap- tain Rowe, in the schooner Wild Cat, and, after a sail of about twenty-four hours, I found myself near the place of my birth.
Here I mean such imitators as Rowe was of Shakespear, or as Horace hints some of the Romans were of Cato, by bare feet and sour faces.
"I have found out a gift for my fair - I have found where the wood-pigeons breed; But let me the plunder forbear, She would say 'twas a barbarous deed." - ROWE.
Rowe was expelled along with Jumbo-Visma's Tony Martin after the pair clashed during stage 17 from Pont du Gard to Gap.
Rowe, 18, of Wychbury Road, Bartley Green, admitted dangerous driving and was sentenced to eight months in prison suspended for 18 months and was ordered to do 120 hours of unpaid work.
Rowe, said to have spent time with Wolves and Coventry City, appeared at Warwick Crown Court after pleading guilty to dangerous driving.
When Artuso reached for levers, Rowe, then 23 and a member of 42 Commando, shot him seven times, believing he was scuttling the craft.
Rowe has more than 20 years of industry experience, and will focus primarily on office leasing and sales.
CCTV footage shown to a sentencing hearing at Cardiff Crown Court yesterday showed the HGV driven by Webster hitting the back of Mrs Rowe's Vauxhall which shunted into a Renault Clio in front of her which in turn shunted a tanker in front of it, causing the Clio to overturn onto its roof.
Rowe, now 28, was sentenced to life with a minimum term of 12 years by a judge at Brighton Crown Court in April.
Rowe Price's security selection process across asset classes.
The joke from Rowe's show Undeniable won with 41% of a public vote on a shortlist of gags picked by comedy critics.