road movie

(redirected from Road movies)

road movie

(Film) a genre of film in which the chief character is on the run or travelling in search of, or to escape from, himself or herself
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Irish motorists also revealed their favourite road movies, with Ryan Gosling's Drive topping the list.
I think we really took the high road and kind of everybody lived their parts very much so and I think road movies from now on, I will be keen on doing more road movies because you do not get up at the same place or go shoot in the same place or eat the same food either.
While the genre of the road movie is typically thought of as a product of American filmmaking, if one moves beyond generic specificity and considers road movies to be those that explore space and mobility within that space and the meanings produced through this movement, one can identify a strain of French cinema that can be understood as belonging to the genre.
Since most genres am awash with road movies, any attempt to define the picaresque tale as a genre would prove too unwieldy.
Death Proof is a parody of old road movies and features high-speed chases.
By contrast, look at the road movies with female characters.
Gay road movies also include phantasmagorical encounters, comical conflicts, and ultimately some loud preaching for tolerance along with a big group lip-synch.