progressive education

(redirected from Progressive school)
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progressive education

A set of reformist educational philosophies and methods that emphasize individual instruction, informality in the classroom, and the use of group discussions and laboratories as instructional techniques.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Which famous progressive school was founded by AS Neill in 1921?
KARACHI -- The parents of students enrolled in The Educators Progressive School, in Nazimabad No.
From its five Qatar Academy schools to the recently-announced progressive school Academyati, QF's schools provide personalized educational opportunities and equip young people with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to excel both academically and personally.
From its five Qatar Academy schools to the recently-announced progressive school Academyati, QF's schools provide personalised educational opportunities and equip young people with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to excel both academically and personally.
His simple and attractive style touched the hearts of people and he remained loyal to his progressive school of thought despite being jailed for several times but also remained resilient when it comes to his poetry.
As a computer scientist and a master learner who has taken on the task of being the first leader of a progressive school in Qatar, Ms.
I knew it would've been an easier fit for Meagan to be in a progressive school. But I wanted to at least try to 'stretch' her abilities in a traditional environment.
'In a progressive school, the children are our bosses.
Even though Coltness High is a progressive school when it comes to recognising distress among its pupils, deputy head teacher Susanne Kelly is worried that "a high number of our young people are going from zero to suicide".
"We are so fortunate to have moved from Ohio to such a progressive school system in terms of outstanding academics and a wide variety of athletics," said Braden's dad, Mark Detelich.

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