progressive tense

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Related to progressive tense: past progressive tense, future progressive tense
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: tense - a tense of verbs used in describing action that is on-going
tense - a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time
present progressive, present progressive tense - a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance
past progressive, past progressive tense - a progressive tense used to describe on-going action in the past; "`I had been running' is an example of the past progressive"
future progressive, future progressive tense - a progressive tense used to express action that will be on-going in the future; "`I will be running' is an example of the future progressive"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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The second rule is that of the continuous or progressive tense. The rule is of the nature: be plus the ing form of the verb (ie is going; was singing; were washing; are training; etc).
He writes usually in simple present or present progressive tense, whether it is a reportage, travelogue or political analysis.
In Jewish Arbel the particle la in the present progressive tense la-qatil can equally mark prominence and have historical present functions.
In this particular instance, phi-features along with past progressive tense get visible on V.
Following the colorfully illustrated story keeps interest high as young readers learn more about English verb usage, including basic definition of verbs, action and being verbs, past, present, and future tense, progressive tense, irregular verbs, main verbs, and helping verbs.
In the case of teaching the present progressive tense, Lee suggests encouraging the child to listen for "is" and "will," then modeling sentences using multiple tenses for the same action, while gradually increasing the level of difficulty.
The predominant verb tense in all three compositions was the present progressive tense. The present perfect tense also was occasionally used.
These markers can be a syllable only, as in Swahili for example, -na for present progressive tense, -li for past tense and--ta for future tense.
We argue that robust macroscopic data (physical measurements) as described using the third-person present tense are underpinned by a microscopic context, which is accessible only in first- and second-person descriptions using the present progressive tense. The use of first-and second-person descriptions in dynamics, that is referred to as the internalist perspective in short, is analogous to the process of self-measurement inherent in any physical system from within.
* "The contractor was building the stadium." (past progressive tense)
Knowing which comments are preferable depends on an understanding of progressive tense, which results from preceding a verb ending in "ing" with a form of "to be" ("am," "is," "are," "was," "were," "be" or "being").

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