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(Biography) Roman. born 1933, Polish film director with a taste for the macabre, as in Repulsion (1965) and Rosemary's Baby (1968): later films include Tess (1980), Death and the Maiden (1995), and The Pianist (2002)
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[USA], May 25 (ANI): Director Roman Polanski's wife slammed Quentin Tarantino for not discussing the story of 'Once Upon A Time in Hollywood' with her husband, which features the murder story of Polanski's ex-wife, Sharon Tate.
Film director Roman Polanski is suing Oscars organisers for booting him out.
LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Film director Roman Polanski is threatening to sue the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after it voted to expel him from its ranks, arguing that the move was illegal and demanding a fair hearing.
Prosecutors in Los Angeles have formally declined to charge fugitive director Roman Polanski in connection with an allegation he molested a woman when she was a minor in 1975, saying the statute of limitations has expired.
Tate's widower, film director Roman Polanski, recently explained how he survived the horror. 
Swiss prosecutors have dropped an investigation of film director Roman Polanski after finding the statute of limitations did not allow pursuing allegations by a former German actress and model that he raped her in 1972 when she was 15 years old.
THE woman sexually assaulted as a child by Roman Polanski said she has suffered "tears and disappointment" after a judge dismissed her plea to end the 40-year-old case against the fugitive director.
Roman Polanski, the director behind films like Rosemary's Baby and The Pianist , will still face trial, an LA judge has decided.
By: Egypt Today staff CAIRO -- 18 August 2017: Today, August 18, marks the birth of French-Polish filmmaker Roman Polanski, who is both renowned for his groundbreaking cinematic classics and reviled for a sexual assault case involving a minor.
A JUDGE has rejected a US request to extradite film maker Roman Polanski from Poland over a 1977 child sex conviction.
DIRECTOR Roman Polanski yesterday beat a US attempt to extradite him over a 38-year-old sex charge.