plume moth

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plume moth

1. (Animals) one of a family (Pterophoridae) of slender-bodied micro moths with narrow wings, each usually divided into two, three, or four "plumes". The type is the white Pterophorus pentadactylus
2. (Animals) many-plumed moth an unrelated species, Alucita hexadactyla
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Although the plume moth fauna of southern Africa has being extensively studied over the last few years (Gielis 2008; Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin 2009a, b; Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich 2010), no special studies of the plume moths of Lesotho have been carried out.
In southern Africa, no special studies have been undertaken on the phenology of the plume moths. A few species are recognized to be capable of inflicting insignificant damage to cultivated plants, but no species of this kind have ever been recorded in Africa yet.
The creature is better known as the spotted black plume moth - and amateur naturalists Brian Lucas and wife Jill discovered a colony in Colnebridge.
The first, the horehound plume moth, was imported to the KTRI quarantine facility in 1993.