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Related to Plumbicon: vidicon


(Electronics) trademark a development of the vidicon television camera tube in which the photosensitive material is lead oxide
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Nuevos modelos ENG de % de pulgada y de 1 pulgada que, por su ligereza, permitian el rodaje en exteriores con mayores facilidades para la realizacion de los ajustes como la aparicion del plumbicon, el control automatico del balance de blancos y la operacion con el foco y el zoom (Bethencourt, 1993: 21).
The rolling shutter of the regular CMOS imager produces images similar to scanning from a Plumbicon tube, because of line-by-line scanning.
Yes, the invention 36 years ago of the Philips PC60 Plumbicon television camera, with its cutting-edge colour-splitting technology, was a true revolution, opening the way for colour TV as we know it today.