Pigeon hole

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A hole for pigeons to enter a pigeon house
See Pigeonhole.
An old English game, in which balls were rolled through little arches.

See also: Pigeon, Pigeon, Pigeon

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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RECENLTY, a family member of mine received a message from the National Database and Registration Authority stating 'An application lodged against tracking ID XYZ received at NRC is now located in pigeon hole D etc., please collect your card from the NRC where you applied'.
"If you give him a few instructions then he causes lots of problems but when you start to pigeon hole him it can be unnatural to him and how he sees the game.
As we all know, we now operate in a "tick-box" world, where the intentions are good, but to qualify for anything you have to fit in to a pigeon hole. For anyone who operates in an alternative way, it is extremely difficult to succeed.
I also take great offense at the "stupid and uninformed voter'' pigeon hole into which John Boehner and John McCain put some of my very close friends who are Democrats.
According to DJ Sinister Peter (Phantom FM) it is "Hard to pigeon hole...
SLEIGH BELLS Treats (Columbia) BROOKLYN duo Sleigh Bells are tricky to pigeon hole. Derek E Miller and Alexis Krauss make music that draws obvious influences from pop, dance, rock and hip-hop.
It's hard to pigeon hole them, even calling them a boy band isn't quite right as that conjures up images of five lads stood in a row crooning out a cover song.
Custom units and footprint sizes can be prototyped and manufactured with dunnage more rapidly than traditional metal racks with pigeon hole dunnage, reducing tooling costs and eliminating prototyping lead times.
Consisting of a line-up of exuberant guitars, sexy sax, ear pounding bass, and a sprinkling of triangle, screaming violins and the vocal musings of Roberto 'Mad as a Hatter' Baggio ( it would be easy to 'pigeon hole' them as an alternative off the cuff folky/pyschediliac band, but the Turtle run deeper than that.
A video surveillance system was set up and at the beginning of March last year it captured Semugaza sorting mail incorrectly by moving packages from their proper racks to the 'queries' pigeon hole for damaged or incorrectly labelled items.