Pied flycatcher

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(Zool.) a common European flycatcher (Ficedula atricapilla). The male is black and white.

See also: Pied

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Author Viktoriia Radchuk from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Germany, said: "Our research focused on birds because complete data on other groups was scarce." The scientists said it was of greater concern that the data analysed included predominantly common and abundant species such as the great tit, the European pied flycatcher or the common magpie, which are known to cope with climate change relatively well.
The illustration is Plate 14 from the first of Thorburn's four-volume opus and shows: top, the waxwing; left to right, second row, pied flycatcher, red-breasted flycatcher, pied flycatcher, spotted flycatcher and brown flycatcher; bottom, collared flycatcher and golden oriole
But ornithologists checking Pied Flycatcher nestboxes report higherthan-average desertion by parents and many chicks dead in the nest, presumably a symptom of food shortages.
The pied flycatcher, a small migratory bird that spends winters in Africa and returns to Europe in spring to breed, is known to build its nest on top of the previously constructed nest of a resident woodland bird in Europe the great tit.
The European pied flycatcher runs on a tight schedule each spring.
He was followed by Brian Smith on the results of monitoring the breeding successes and failures since 2002 of the scarce pied flycatcher in Castramon oak woods, near Gatehouse.
The small, black and white pied flycatcher nest in Wales, but migrate in July.
Mr Senior said club members are hoping some of the bird boxes would attract the club's target species of Pied Flycatcher and Spotted Flycatcher.
A FEMALE pied flycatcher has rewritten the record books.
But the pied flycatcher birds that eat those caterpillars are still migrating north at that time, so when they do arrive, the caterpillars have already turned into moths and are gone.
For instance, in a study of heterospecific cross-fostering between Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and two species of tits, Slagsvold (2004) found that Pied Flycatcher nestlings fostered in tit nests (with host nestlings) had lower survival than those cross-fostered in nests either without host nestlings or those reared under natural conditions.
His Pied Flycatcher, seen in Dubai's Safa Park in March 1985, was the first record for the UAE, as well as for Arabia, and was questioned by experts in the United Kingdom, but Adrian would have none of it.