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Related to Nibelungs: Nibelungenlied, Ring of the Nibelungs


n. pl.1.In German mythology, the children of the mist, a race of dwarfs or demonic beings, the original possessors of the famous hoard and ring won by Siegfrid; also, the Burgundian kings in the Nibelungenlied.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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For the rest, the momentum was tremendously slow and there was next to no tension in the many dramatic moments: Alberich snatched the small piece of coveted gold hidden from inside a rubber tire; the Nibelungs dragged themselves about lethargically in a minimalist subterranean cavern; we had to imagine the serpent and the toad for ourselves.
Bettina Bildhauer persuasively argues for Quentin Tarantino's film Inglorious Basterds as an adaptation of the medieval epic poem Song of the Nibelungs, concluding that through this medieval intertext, the film both participates in, and adapts, the association between the medieval and violence in contemporary culture.
Elsewhere, Egerton Sykes describes Bes, the Egyptian god of music and pleasure, as a "bandy-legged dwarf demigod" (Egerton 34), and Jung points out that Siegfried's foster parent in Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelungs is "a chthonic god, Mime, a crippled dwarf" (Jung, Symbols 361; par.
Three Rhinemaidens guard the gold in the River Rhine which is stolen by Alberich, one of the dwarf-like Nibelungs who live in the caverns below.
Chorus and dancers (including expressive students from the Elmhurst School of Dance as shrieking Nibelungs) made important contributions, but we have to end with the cycle's most tragic character, Brunnhilde, exiled from Valhalla to await her fate at the hands of any human who comes along.
From fantasy and sci-fi to bestseller adaptations such as "Ring of the Nibelungs," "Impact," "Lost City Raiders" and Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth" and "World Without End," the Munich company aims high, combining "American-style pacing and European sensibility in terms of the feeling and the story," says Bauer.
Mime has raised Siegfried to kill the dragon Fafner, who sits upon the hoard of the Nibelungs, including on a magic ring that can make its owner master of the world.
And below, when Dunraven refers to the red gold of the Nibelungs, there is an additional marginal reference, this time to Carlyle, III, 125.
Robert had also taken up amateur dramatics at the Barnes Theatre Company and, in 2004, made his television debut in Ring of the Nibelungs and in the filmVanity Fair, although his scenes were deleted and only appear in the DVD version.
The "perils" promised by the title, however, are most evident in the hints of racism that underlie even the most benign discussion of "national character," let alone the Ring of the Nibelungs. Burns dismisses the parallels with Richard Wagner's Ring in a footnote: "Tolkien, however, disliked Wagner's presentation of northern myths and resented being compared to him" (182 n.
Legend has it that the Nibelungs hero Siegfried fought and slayed the dragon that haunted the Drachenfels rock, bathing in his blood to make himself invincible.
If one finds any similarities between this image and that of the Nibelungs in Chereau's production of the Ring, that is because they do exist.