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Related to Moldau: Moldau River


1. (Placename) the German name for Moldavia
2. (Placename) the German name for the Vltava
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmɔl daʊ, ˈmoʊl-)

German name of the Vltava.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The most famous movements in Ma Vlast, "Vltava" (Moldau) and "Vysehrad", have stronger and more obvious musical links (p.
Guest conductor Teddy Abrams leads the colorful and vibrant program, which also features Czech composer Bedrich Smetana's "The Moldau," a musical journey along sites on one of Bohemia's rivers, and Tchaikovsky's "Francesca da Rimini," a fiery tone poem about two doomed lovers.
Aqua Mater (The Moldau): Marek Piacek, Sarka: Milos Stedron, A Shorter Letter to Bedfich Smetana (From Bohemia's Woods and Fields): Pavel Zemek-Novak, Lost in Tabor (Tabor): Miroslav Toth, Blanik: Daniel Forro.
He cited famous compositions that form part of the worldwide musical-cultural consciousness such as Strauss' 'The Blue Danube' and Smetana's ' The Moldau,' which have immortalized rivers in Germany and the Czech Republic, respectively.
The program includes melodic pieces like Debussy's "Clair de Lune" and Smetana's "The Moldau" as well as rousing works like the "Thunder and Lightning Polka." An hour prior to the concert portion of the evening, an opening reception for the art exhibit will take place.
Das heisst, das Bewusstsein, dass Rumanien ein Ganzes bildete, materialisierte sich in der Erschaffung Rumaniens infolge der Vereinigung der Moldau und der Walachei 1859 sowie Grossrumanien 1918.
"Ballad of the Soldier," "The Sprinkling of Gardens," "And What Did She Get?" "Song of the United Front," "To the Little Radio," "The Plum Tree," "The Love Market," "Song of the Moldau," "In the Flower Garden," "The Mask of Wickedness," "Easter Sunday, 1935," "The Son," "On Suicide," "On the World's Kindness," "Song of a German Mother," "A Saying (for 1935)," "Komintern," "Truly I live in a time of darkness!" "The Homecoming," "Solidarity Song," "You who will be borne up."
(28.) See secretary Christophor Marianovichs's report in Julian Grafen Pejacsevich, Peter Freiherr von Parchevich, Erzbischof von Martianopel, Apostolischer Vicar und Administrator der Moldau, Bulgarischer Internuntius am Kaiserlichen Hofe und Kaiserlicher Gesandter be idem Kosaken-Hetman Bogdan Chmielnicki (1612-1674).
(50.) Simon Schama also dedicated effort to analysing the role of rivers in different ages and places: the Nile for Egyptians; the Danube for the multi-ethnic Habsurg empire; the Rhine in the double meaning of heart of the German Heimat, as well as the boundary of French identity; the Moldau for Czech nationality.
The evening opens with Smetana's "Die Moldau," a set of six symphonic poems written between 1874 and 1879.
Elias Canetti cites this passage in one of Kafka's earliest letters to Milena Jesenka: "Several years ago I often used to go in a man-drowner [small boat] on the Moldau. I rowed upstream and then, stretched out on my back, floated downstream with the current, under the bridge.