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(ˌmɪrəˈflɔːrəs; Spanish miraˈflores)
(Placename) Lake Miraflores an artificial lake in Panama, in the S Canal Zone of the Panama Canal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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You can install it in the gardens of Miraflores." Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President, saying he would govern temporarily from a tent given to him by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, allowing the families made homeless by floods and landslides to sleep in cots in his office in Miraflores Palace.
HILTON Worldwide has entered into a franchise agreement with JGJ Proyectistas , a real estate developer based in Lima, Peru, to introduce the Hilton Hotels & Resorts brand to the Peruvian market with the 230-room new build Hilton Lima Miraflores. The hotel is scheduled to open in the first quarter of 2012.
Numerous agreements were signed during the meeting, which took place in the presidential palace of Miraflores in Caracas.
Programacion, Monitoreo y Evaluacion de la Direccion T,cnica del Gabinete Social.Atencion: Martina Guerrero Castillo, Especialista de Adquisiciones.Direccion: Avenida Leopoldo Navarro No 61, Ensanche Miraflores, 2do.
The Portuguese office, Aladdin Europe Lda located near Lisbon in Miraflores, Portugal, is to acquire long-time partner and distributor, Futurmtica, strengthening its HASP software DRM business in Portugal.
From PARTIV I personally got links to an architectural blogvideo about model making, an animated diagram of bike couriers through London, an 11 minute time-lapse video of boats in the Miraflores locks in the Panama Canal, a link to the US Midwest daily blog, Archidose at http://archidose.blogspot.com and of course the often hilarious Dr Garry's Australian site at www.archsoc.com.