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(formerly in Britain) n acronym for
(Banking & Finance) mortgage interest relief at source
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References in classic literature ?
Hannah is the oldest, I come next, then John, then Jenny, then Mark, then Fanny, then Mira."
Mother named half of us and father the other half, but we didn't come out even, so they both thought it would be nice to name Mira after aunt Miranda in Riverboro; they hoped it might do some good, but it didn't, and now we call her Mira.
Mother let us all walk in and wheel Mira in the baby carriage, because we couldn't afford to go to the circus in the afternoon.
Sonant melliflua hymnorum organa, suavissima angelorum melodia, cantica canticorum mira !
Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput welcomed a baby boy on Wednesday night.
According to the 9,000 members of the Warwick-based National Association of Estate Agents, the Budget announcement that Miras is to go has had no real impact on business.