
(redirected from MUDE)
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n.1.(Bot.) Either one of two asclepiadaceous shrubs (Calotropis gigantea, and Calotropis procera), which furnish a strong and valuable fiber. The acrid milky juice is used medicinally.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Ich jedoch wunsche mir eine Scheibe von Marias Schlaf, denn ich bin mude und habe kaum noch Worte" ("When Maria sleeps the furniture round about her sleeps too....
Nao se trata, como na especializacao, de apenas melhorar a qualificacao do profissional, mas sim de melhora-la com aplicabilidade concreta e especifica que mude o patamar do conhecimento existente naquele campo.
Wenn sie mude war, bekam sie trubere Augen, (4) und oft lag sie sogar mit Kopfschmerzen auf der Veranda.
(German) Sie arbeitete/rannte sich mude. she worked/ran herself tired e.
Edgbaston went into the lead when Jason Nicholle beat Ashley Flathers 11-9, 9-5, 10-8 in 30 minutes before Del Harris, playing at No 2 for Priory, defeated speedy South African Greg La Mude in an entertaining 31minute duel by 9-3, 11-9, 9-5.
Hakurotwi Mude echoes the importance of concentrated attention to mbira music, insisting that aesthetically good mbira music must produce a kind of deep thinking in the listener (Berliner 1981, 134).
This time, the dupes are dopers, the radicals are rockers and the subversives pose mude for Penthouse rathern than give secrets to the Russians.
Area MP Abdi Mude told the Star on the phone that it is unfortunate that the terrorists continue to carry out attacks in the border towns with impunity.
Beatrice Kones (Bomet East), Alfred Agoi (Sabatia), Moses Kuria (Gatundu South), Abdi Mude (Lafey), Charles Gimose (Vihiga) and James Lusweti (Kabuchai) have spoken three times while Lemanken Aramat (Narok East), Mathias Nyamabe (Kuria East), Daniel Wanyama (Webuye West), Lokiru Ali (Turkana East) and Ken Okoth (Kibra) only rose twice to speak.