

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) ((in Egypt or Turkey))a local governor
[C19: via Turkish, from Arabic, from adāra to administrate]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Also," the white man spoke half aloud, "I am Mudir of this Province."
The Mudir's Cranes!" The large man turned purple to the top of his bald head.
Then it reached them through the Press that they habitually flogged to death good revenue-paying cultivators who neglected to stop earths; but that the few, the very few who did not die under hippohide whips soaked in copperas, walked about on their gangrenous ankle-bones, and were known in derision as the Mudir's Cranes.
"O Excellency," said the smooth voice of Farag, laying the Field and Country Life square on the table, "is the afflicted of God who resembles Bigglebai one with the man whom the Inspector met in the great house in England, and to whom he told the tale of the Mudir's Cranes?"
It was a short, simple; carefully learned address, and the accent, supervised by Abdul on the steamer, allowed the hearers to guess its meaning, which was a request to see one of the Mudir's Cranes; since the desire of the speaker's life, the object to which he would consecrate his days, was to improve the condition of the Mudir's Cranes.
Other personalities present at the event included the Chief Imam of Ibadanland, Sheikh AbduGaniy Abubakri Agbotomokekere, who was represented by the Grand Mufti of Ibadanland, Sheikh AbdFatah Alaga; members of the League of Imams and Alfas in the South West, Edo and Delta States; the Head of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Ibadan, Professor Kamil Oloso; the Mudir of the Arabic Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Sheikh Abdul Wahab Bayo Ahmad; the chairman of the Muslim Community of Oyo State, Alhaji Kunle Sanni and the chairman of the Ibadan Muslim Community, Chief Bayo Oyero.
They said the incident took place in Umary area the other day when the boundary wall of the house of Mudir Khan collapsed.
All players -- except Abdulla Marafih (cruciate ligament injury), Ahmed Fathy (Qatar national team), Ahmed Ibrahim (Iraq national team) and Mudir Abdrabbo (Yemen national team) -- attended the training session.
Al Arabi will be without Mudir Abdurabu through injury and Ahmed Al Nehawi through suspension.
(66.) Amer Saleh, "Mudir al-Waqf al-Sunni: Da'ish Qatal 66 Rajul Din fi al-Mawsil," Irfaa Sawtak, July 24, 2017,
Defender Mudir Al Radaei gave Yemen a shock lead in the 27th minute with a diving header off a corner kick, stunning the crowd of close to 3,000 at Panaad.
(13.) "Iqtiham Manzil Mudir al-Masjid al-Aqsa," Palestinian News and Information Agency WAFA, retrieved on August 8, 2017, from