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Noun1.Lopholatilus - large brightly colored food fish of deep Atlantic watersLopholatilus - large brightly colored food fish of deep Atlantic waters
fish genus - any of various genus of fish
family Malacanthidae, Malacanthidae - short-headed marine fishes; often brightly colored
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, tilefish - yellow-spotted violet food fish of warm deep waters
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NI MPA/MMA Nr 12/2012 NI MPA/MMA Nr 3/2009 Management plan No 2009 Target and No Monkfish accessory Fleet size Unlimited (*) 9 (maximum) Area Southeastern to the 21S to the Southern limit Southern limit of of the Brazilian EEZ; the Brazilian EEZ >250 m depth Fishing season Jun 15th-May 15th Jan-Dec TAC No 1.500 ton year-1 Effort limits Gradual reduction of Up to 1,000 nets vessel-1 fishing gear (**) (maximum net length: 50 m) Minimum No No legal sizes Gear Mesh size between Minimum mesh size 280 mm restrictions 70-140 mm stretched stretched; nets tagged with vessel register By-catch No Lopholatilus villari (5%); limits Chaceon spp.
In 2000, the Council began discussions regarding implementation of MPA's from North Carolina to the Florida Keys to protect deepwater species susceptible to overfishing (i.e., speckled hind, Epinephelus dnimmondhayv, golden tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps', blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps\ snowy grouper, Hyporthodus niveatus', Warsaw grouper, Hyporthodus nigritus; misty grouper, Hyporthodus mystacinus', and yellowedge grouper, Hyporthodus flavolimbatus).
A evolucao da pesca de linha-defundo e a dinamica de populacao do peixe-batata Lopholatilus villarii (Teleostei: Malacanthidae) na margem continental da costa brasileira entre os paralelos 220 e 280 S.
On the continental edges of the North Atlantic, the fish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps digs holes 13 ft (4 m) wide and 10 ft (3 m) deep in the sediment, which attract a large number of crabs, fish, echinoderms, and other benthic organisms that are usually sparsely distributed over the seafloor.
The largest amount of demersal fish such as Urophycis mystacea, Merluccius hubbsi, Genypterus brasiliensis, Lophius gastrophysus and Lopholatilus villarii and the deep-sea lobster Metanephrops rubellus were captured in areas with local depths from 100 to 250 m.
Similar assessments in deeper waters of the middle to outer shelf are lacking, aside from those obtained from submersible surveys directed toward tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) at depths of 117-268 m (Grimes et al., 1986).
Thus, observers also boarded bottom longline fishing trips that targeted shallow-water groupers (mainly red grouper, Epinephelus morio), snapper (primarily red snapper), and deepwater groupers and tilefish (yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, and tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps).
Off the coast of Sao Paulo purse seiners commonly catch sardines and other small pelagic fish, longliners target dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippurus), namorado sandperch (Pseudopercis numida) and tilefish (Lopholatilus villarii), and artisanal trawlers aim at seabob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri).
Abstract--The modern fishery for Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) developed during the 1970s, offshore of southern New England, in the western North Atlantic Ocean.
Yellowedge grouper comprised 10% of the catch, followed by blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps, at 5%; red snapper, tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, and Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, each at 3%.
Loliginida sanpaulensis Striped soldier Plesionika edwardsii Pandalidae shrimp Striped weakfish Cynoscion striatus Sciaenidae Tile fish Lopholatilus villarii Branchiostegidae Uruguayan lobster Metanephrops rubellus Nephropidae Whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri Sciaenidae Table 3.
The third component reflects a fishery characterized by medium-sized vessels with landings composed principally of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix; tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps; butterfish, Peprilus triacanthus; mackerel, Scomber scombrus; squid, Loligo pealeii, Illex illecebrosus; summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus; scup, Stenotomus chrysops; and black sea bass, Centropristis striata.