
Also found in: Medical, Wikipedia.
v. t.1.To lose.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
"And what is done to criminals guilty of lese majeste?"
He did not seem to note the LESE MAJESTE of her words and manner.
His father was what you call an agitator, and his father was in jail for lese majesty--what you call speaking the truth about the Emperor.
"Nothing," (https://www.quora.com/What-happens-if-you-swear-at-the-Queen) Kate Baxter A said, answeringA a similar question on Quora.A "There used to be an old law called lese majeste which had to do with insulting the king or queen.
I had no idea of lese majeste and walked over, surely to everyone's alarm, and asked for Deputy Premier Deng's autograph.
London-based Amnesty International said Chucheep had long faced charges of lese majeste, or insulting the monarchy.
Samphy, a 70-year-old barber from Ponleu Preah Phos village in Chi Kraeng district's Kampong Kdei commune, was detained on May 20 last year for insulting King Norodom Sihamoni, thus violating the lese majeste law.
A Cambodian court jailed a man on Wednesday for three years for insulting the king in Facebook posts, the second known conviction under a new lese majeste law enacted last year, which rights groups fear could be used to stifle dissent.
'This new Act proposed by Perkasa is the same as the one (lese majeste Act) implemented in Thailand right now.
[beaucoup moins que] Aucun metier n'a ete lese [beaucoup plus grand que]
Sulak Sivaraksa was charged by police last October under the country's draconian lese majeste law that protects the monarchy from libel and defamation.